1st African Material Handling Warehouse Automation Company to Exhibit at MODEX 2022
Recently, Simon Armanious, based currently in Canada, shared more about the Egyptian company and why the timing for growing the North American distribution channel is ideal.
USA Investing in Africa: The Hidden Story of 2021 Manufacturing
Historically international companies avoided investing in Africa due to reports of corruption, unsafe business environments, and poor government policies. That is changing. Several organizations and government initiatives include strategies eliminating these concerns.
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To maximize the productivity of an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) or automatic guided vehicle (AGV) deployment, it's critical to create the optimal environment that allows the vehicles to perform at their peak. For that reason, Cornerstone Specialty Wood Products, LLC® (www.resindek.com) created the TriGard® ESD Ultra finish for its ResinDek® engineered flooring panels. The TriGard ESD Ultra finish is ideal for high-traffic robotic applications characterized by highly repetitive movement patterns and defined travel paths.