Hyperautomation - what's the hype?

There are a number of reasons why a business may strive for hyperautomation. For instance, it may be to increase productivity to keep up with rising demand without the rapid expansion of factory floor space and employees.

What's the Hype in Hyperautomation?

Coined by Gartner to describe one of the biggest automation trends of 2020, the concept of hyperautomation has rapidly spread across the industry. But how does it differ from regular automation.

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PI USA - Ultrafast Laser Systems Improve Performance in Material Processing

PI USA - Ultrafast Laser Systems Improve Performance in Material Processing

Ultrafast lasers can be highly effective in ultraprecise micromachining of many materials, such as polymers, which are very susceptible to collateral damage from heat accumulation. Applications are found from medical technology to semiconductor manufacturing.