Choose an Actuator That Actually Matches Your Optimized Design
Today, many machine builders are optimizing their machine design first and then selecting an actuator based on that design. Unfortunately, however, many off-the-shelf actuators don't meet their design requirements in an optimal way
Quick Precise Motion for the Packaging Industry Created by Nook Belt Driven Actuators
The wide variety of shapes and thinner bottles created a need for packaging machines to not only be accepting of the different sizes, but also perceptive enough not to damage the new thinner bottles.
Method for Calculating Moment Loads on Linear Actuators
With the actual equipment, there are various kinds of equipment conditions and driving conditions for electric actuators and cylinders and thus, it is very difficult to explain all the operating conditions.
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NORD Delivers Powerful, Reliable Drive Solutions for Demanding Packaging Applications
When you need quality, flexibility and high efficiency, NORD has you covered with complete drive solutions for primary and secondary packaging, end-of-line packaging, and higher-level applications. NORD supports you through the entire life cycle of your drive systems with pre-sales engineering support, online tools, and a global service network. Drive systems for both vertically and horizontally networked technology with all the options for sensor incorporation and integration into the higher-level control system.