The Enterprise Factory And The Smart City

Adi Gaskell for Forbes:  Cities around the world are undergoing a range of initiatives to make themselves "smart," but considerable doubts exist over the effectiveness of these projects.  For instance, last year a report from the Institution of Engineering and Technology found that the public are largely disinterested in the technologies associated with smart cities.

The authors believe this is largely because those responsible for the roll-out of smart city type technologies seldom involve the public in their decision making processes. This contributes to a distinct lack of buy-in by the public in the technology.

Or perhaps people are curbing their enthusiasm until projects start to actually show some value?  After all, a recent report from Cisco found that around 75% of projects fail.  The report pinned the blame for such failures on a number of things, but central was the excessive focus on technology over the various human factors that influence success.

Foremost among these 'factors for success' was the engagement of a wide ecosystem of partners that are capable of bringing unique and varied skills to the table.  Such a network ensures you not only have the technological skills required but also the cultural and softer factors that are so important.  Full Article:

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