Automating Post-Production to Scale-Up Additive Manufacturing
Unshackled by the limitations associated with traditional production processes, AM has made the leap from prototype to end part production and continues to open up exciting opportunities around localised production, digital inventories and on-demand manufacturing.
The Potential of Polymer 3D Printing - Exploring Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Bearing Design
3D printing has evolved significantly over recent years, with much of the research effort placed in the materials science field. This has enabled the development of a whole range of high-performance polymers with mechanical characteristics similar to those of metal.
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Featured Product
Powerful air mover for exhausting smoke, drying
EXAIR's low-cost air movers use patented airflow technology to move high volumes of room air using only a small amt of compressed air. Output airflows are 25 times air consumption rate. Ideal for exhausting smoke, drying, maintaining uniform heat.