Automating Equipment Maintenance Essential for Fire Safety in Facilities


Worrying about a potential fire may not be at the top of many manufacturers’ and business owners’ minds, but it should be a constant consideration. According to the National Fire Protection Association, an effective sprinkler system can reduce the chances of perishing in a fire by 33%-75% and lower property damage by 50%-60%. However, it also found that 59% of sprinkler systems were off in cases where they did not activate.


This equipment is vital for employees and the facility’s survival, and automating their upkeep may be crucial. Here is a look at the benefits of automating equipment maintenance and recent trends in these technologies.


What Can Automating Fire Safety Equipment Maintenance Do?

Hopefully, decision-makers know how vital keeping track of their fire safety equipment is. It can help prevent severe injuries and protect a facility from incurring damage that could lead to costly repairs. However, managing every machine and recognizing when it needs replacing or fixing can be challenging. The task could feel next to impossible, depending on the building’s size.


Such instances are where automation can lend an incredibly helpful hand. Many think of such technologies as helping a building become more eco-friendly, but there are also practical safety applications. For instance, a person or team may check all the equipment for functionality. They may miss a fire extinguisher’s passed expiration date or not notice someone accidentally switched the alarms off.


Humans make mistakes, but automation can minimize those errors. The technology could alert the proper personnel when something is nearly out of date, recognize if something is blocking a critical exit point or tell if an item breaks. A manufacturer or business could train the algorithm to know the latest safety regulations and codes to avoid fines following failed inspections.


New Developments in Fire Safety Equipment Maintenance Automation

Automating fire safety equipment maintenance is a significant advantage for extensive facilities. How can leaders utilize the technology? Here are a few examples of recent developments in automation.


1. Artificial Intelligence

AI plays a significant role in automating maintenance. The model will track all the fire safety items and ensure they function correctly. It will alert those who need to know that something needs their attention if it finds an error. The algorithm can also offer regular updates on the equipment’s health so people see what may need repairs soon.


However, AI can also help a facility cut costs by finding inefficiencies. Is the team replacing fire hoses before they need to? Does one of the pieces of equipment receive maintenance more frequently than necessary? Artificial intelligence can help locate these pitfalls in addition to improving safety.


2. Smart Buildings

Smart buildings build on AI to create a fully automated maintenance solution. They encompass all elements of the facility to keep track of things. This technology could cover factors like temperature and security, but it could also be quite valuable for fire safety.


It could work with AI to identify unsafe behaviors that could lead to an emergency. For example, perhaps an employee forgot to turn off a machine that generates a lot of heat before going on break. The smart building system could recognize the extra electricity use and temperature change and alert someone who could resolve the issue. Additionally, it could ensure fire safety materials are working optimally and request repairs if necessary.


3. Internet of Things

IoT is another boon for those looking to ease the burden of predictive maintenance. It can couple with artificial intelligence to create a safer work environment. Sensors around the facility and within equipment connect to give decision-makers real-time updates about the health of each item.


This technology culminates in offering solutions. It can detect trends to understand when something may require maintenance, verify anomalies, predict when repairs will be necessary and offer recommendations based on the issue. Using it to track the upkeep of fire safety equipment could be a significant asset to those who must streamline their maintenance needs.


Automate Essential Fire Safety Equipment Maintenance

Managing the fire safety equipment for an entire manufacturing or business facility can be a large undertaking. Additionally, human error could lead to disastrous results. Automating equipment maintenance essential for fire protection can help leaders feel more confident in keeping their workers and buildings safe.


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