APM Steam to Highlight Steam Trap and Heat Exchanger Services at ASHE 2024

Save energy and money with extensive range of services for healthcare facilities

American Plant Maintenance (APM Steam), a leading provider of steam systems maintenance services, is exhibiting at the ASHE Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference, booth 718, in Anaheim, CA, July 21-24, 2024. This esteemed event, which brings together leading professionals and innovators in the healthcare industry, provides an excellent platform for APM Steam to present its extensive range of services tailored specifically for the healthcare sector.

APM Steam is dedicated to improving energy efficiency and reliability within healthcare facilities by offering a comprehensive suite of services. Steam trap surveys and repairs utilize advanced techniques, such as ultrasound and temperature differentials, to assess and document the operational status of steam traps. This process includes providing detailed reports and full inventories, along with recommendations for necessary improvements. Heat exchanger assessment and testing services ensure that heat exchangers are functioning optimally, while professional cleaning services help maintain efficiency and prolong equipment lifespan.

In addition, HVAC insulation and condition assessments prevent energy loss and ensure that HVAC systems are operating efficiently. Compressed air surveys identify and rectify inefficiencies, and provide guidance on obtaining utility rebates and funding assistance to make energy efficiency upgrades more accessible and cost-effective.

Jim Krochune, APM Steam's National Healthcare Accounts Manager, will be available at booth 718 to discuss how APM can help healthcare facilities reduce energy consumption and operational costs. With a proven track record of assisting hospitals and healthcare facilities nationwide, including Brigham and Women's Hospital, NYC Health + Hospitals, and Northwell Health, Jim is well-equipped to offer insights and solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of healthcare environments.

APM Steam has been a trusted partner for numerous healthcare institutions, providing reliable and efficient services that lead to significant energy savings and system improvements. Its expertise and commitment to excellence make APM Steam a valuable resource for healthcare facilities looking to enhance their steam systems' performance.

About APM Steam

Founded in 2001, American Plant Maintenance provides independent, accurate, and thorough surveys of steam systems, and performs the subsequent repairs reliably and efficiently.
We pride ourselves on providing our customers with reports that they can rely on to make informed decisions about the maintenance of their systems. Our reports contain all the information a facility manager might need to do the repairs on their own, so it is a testament to the quality and professionalism of our staff that our team is asked to perform the repairs after most of the surveys we do. Learn more at www.apmsteam.com, or contact us at 877-51-TRAPS or info@apmsteam.com.

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