Energid Technologies Developing Lightweight Robot Arm for Flying Platforms

New Robot Arm Funded by NASA and Leveraging Energid's Actin Software will Support Space and Terrestrial Applications

AIS Expands Intelligent Automation Control and Monitoring Portfolio with Box Industrial PCs, Din Rail and Thin Client IPCs for Connecting Data, People and Machines

AISs Box Industrial PCs, Din-rail and Thin Client IPCs Offer a Highly Integrated Form Factor for PC-based Automation for IoT Gateway and Industry 4.0 Applications

Silicon Valley Explores the Influence of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Technology at Global Mobile Internet Conference (GMIC)

World-renowned roboticists will convene at GMIC Silicon Valley on September 28-30 to present their most innovative robots and deliver brilliant insights on the ways that artificial intelligence will impact the future.

Musk, Hawking, Chomsky: Why they want a ban on killer robots.

A global arms race for killer robots? Bad idea. That’s according to more than 1,000 leading artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics researchers, who have together signed an open letter, published Monday, from the nonprofit Future of Life Institute. The letter calls for a ban on autonomous offensive weapons as a means of preventing just such a disaster, and represents the latest word on the global conversation around the risks and benefits of AI weaponry.   Cont'd...  

Boca Bearing Company Launches Global Contest to Recognize Artists, Scientists, Technologists, Engineers and Mathematicians Involved in Innovation

Boca Bearing Company Launches Global Contest to Recognize Artists, Scientists, Technologists, Engineers and Mathematicians Involved in Innovation

Tayzu Robotics and Verizon Wireless Partner to make Large Scale Data Collection and Monetization from a UAV a Reality

Aerial drone developer Tayzu Robotics, through their Verizon Partnership Program (VPP), has integrated new technology into their Tayzu crafts. This advanced networking technology will enable Tayzu Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to collect large amounts of data from autonomous UAV flights via the Verizon Cellular Network.

AGCO and Trimble Announce Collaborative Solution to Connect Agriculture Data Platforms

Integration Enables Growers to Access their AGCO Machine and Task Data within the Trimble Connected Farm Solution

Fastbrick Robotics' bricklaying machine builds investor interest

Tim Boreham for The Australian:  According to Fastbrick Robotics chief Mike Pivac, the art of bricklaying hasn’t changed much in the past 5000 years.  For brickies’ labourers in particular, it remains an unsafe and back-breaking game of messy mortar-mixing and lugging hods at height or over uneven surfaces. Backed with seed funding from the publicly listed Brickworks, Mr Pivac and his cousin Mark have devised a robotic bricklaying machine to eliminate the drudge work.  About the size of a garbage truck, the prototype Hadrian 105 unit can erect an average house in one to two days, within an accuracy of half a millimetre.  That’s far more accurate than the brickies’ time-honoured string and spirit level method. Led by Cygnet Capital, the ­Pivacs have been on an investor roadshow ahead of a $3 million raising and reverse IPO, via the shell of former winery owner DMY Capital.  Interest has been enormous, with inquiries from as far afield as Saudi Arabia and Russia.  “We had 500,000 hits on our website in just over five days,’’ Mr Pivac says.  “We have had interest from 35 countries, including some outstanding big organisations.’’  Cygnet Capital director of ­corporate finance Darien Jagger says no other IPO has attracted as much interest.  “We have fielded thousands of emails from all sorts of parties.’’  The Hadrian unit has already demonstrated end-to-end construction, without the need for human intervention. The innovation lies not with the robotic arms, but the laser-guided system that allows the bricks to be placed accurately.  “If you put this machine on a rocking boat it would lay a house on the shore correctly to an inch or two,’’ Mr Pivac said.   Cont'd...

Collaborative Robots Deliver Fast Results at Premier Metal Fabricator

Rapid-Line Inc. Achieves a Four-Month ROI with Rethink Robotics' Baxter

Medrobotics Corporation Receives FDA Clearance to Market Flex® Robotic System

Company Initiates U.S. Launch of the Flex Robotic System for Transoral Procedures in the Mouth and Throat

Panasonic Autonomous Delivery Robots - HOSPI - Aid Hospital Operations at Changi General Hospital in Singapore

"To deliver the best patient care with passion and empathy"

New Website DroneLaw.Pro Focuses on the Use of Drones & FAA Regulations

Traverse Legal, PLC has recently launched its new website regarding Section 333 Exemptions and the use of drones (UAS/UAV) for commercial use under FAA regulations.


Fetch & Freight Robot System Now Available in Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and Australia

Why Drones are Ditching their DIY Roots

By AINSLEY O'CONNELL for FastCompany:  When hobbyist drone pilot Michael Kolowich ordered his Cinestar-8 octocopter in 2013, he traveled from Boston to Montana, where it had been assembled, to pick it up. "I went up there for four days of training in how to fly it safely, how to get great shots with it, the ins and outs of the platform," he says. "It really did take that much training to get the most out of it." How the world has changed in just two years. "Almost every serious video drone then was somewhat custom-built," he says. Now, for a fraction of what Kolowich paid, aspiring drone pilots can pick up a "serious" drone at their local Best Buy. The drone community, circa 2015, is at an inflection point, with DIY tinkering giving way to mass-market distribution. "A year or two ago it was far more custom builds. Now you see it standardizing quite a bit," says Dan Burton, CEO and cofounder of Dronebase, an online platform for booking commercial drone services. Burton was first introduced to drones while serving in the Marines; after returning to the U.S. and attending business school, he began helping commercial drone pilots manage their financials. Dronebase, which effectively allows pilots to outsource their sales and operations, is a natural extension of that hands-on experience. Burton describes the drone community as comprised of "very passionate hobbyists." But increasingly, the community’s creative, maker mindset is directed toward the cinematics of operating the drone camera, rather than toward the construction of the flying robot itself.   Cont'd...

Blue Frog Robotics Rolls Out Developer Program for BUDDY

The Worlds First Open-Source Companion Robot

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