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ManufacturingTomorrow Newsletter - 06/18/2024

ManufacturingTomorrow Newsletter - 06/05/2024

Featured Articles

3D Printing Produces Engine Covers To Accelerate Aircraft Maintenance

Case study from | BigRep
How a specialized local engineering company supported a major airline during the pandemic with jet engine covers made with 3D printed molds.

How Pallet Automation is Revolutionizing Warehouse Operations

Adam Fox, Sales Manager | Swisslog UK
Efficient warehouse operations are the backbone of any successful business. In today's fast-paced world, customer demand is higher than ever, and companies must meet this demand while reducing costs and staying competitive.

Sneaker and Sportswear Retailer’s New Mezzanine and Ground Floor Feature ResinDek Robotic Flooring

Case Study from | ResinDek
As directed by the facility’s warehouse management software (WMS), a fleet of 142 AMRs continuously delivers mobile shelves to associates at workstations equipped with light directed picking modules on both floors.

The only thing guaranteed is uncertainty, what should supply chains do?

Article from | Peak
Meeting availability targets has always been tough, but today it just feels harder. Every day headwinds hit. Supply chain teams scramble to revise forecasts, switch suppliers, increase safety stock, but somehow they’re still left with the same central problem: uncertainty.

Motion feedback really is everywhere – Here's how encoders help make beer

Case study from | Encoder
When you buy the best equipment, you want the best components, too. That's why Community Beer Company uses an EPC encoder in their brewing equipment.
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Check out our resource of Manufacturing and Automation White Papers
AutoStore Debuts New Modular Robot Factory to Support Global Market Expansion
Over $3.2bn Squandered by US Supply Chain Sector as Worker Productivity Issue Revealed
Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. Launches Pre-Engineered Robot Work Cell as a Compact, Cost-Effective, and Intuitive Solution to Productivity Challenges
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Featured Product

Parvalux by maxon - AC or DC electric motors for conveyor systems?

The material handling industry uses conveyors to ensure that products are distributed effectively, AC or DC motors are chosen depending on the weight it needs to carry and the speed at which it needs to work. Learn which type of conveyor motor might be best for your application and how Parvalux can help you select a geared motor from stock or create a fully custom design.

Learn More About Parvalux Electric Motors Ltd

Featured Company

The Wire Association International, Inc. (WAI)

The Wire Association International (WAI), Inc., founded in 1930, is a worldwide technical society for wire and cable industry professionals. Based in Madison, Connecticut, USA, WAI collects and shares technical, manufacturing, and general business information to the ferrous, nonferrous, electrical, fiber optic, and fastener segments of the wire and cable industry. WAI hosts trade expositions, technical conferences, and educational programs.

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