SAKOR Technologies provides customized starter/alternator testing systems

SAKOR Technologies Inc., are a recognized leader in the area of high-performance dynamometer systems. They are announcing that they have designed and provided a dynamometer testing system to a major original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for testing starter/alternators for hybrid/electric vehicle applications. This test system offers the ability to test the maximum power, speed, and generator capacity of starter/alternators. As a result, the system can test the full range of customer components, while keeping costs relatively low.

SAKOR Technologies, Inc., a recognized leader in the area of high-performance dynamometer systems, announces that it has designed and provided a dynamometer testing system to a major original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for testing starter/alternators for hybrid/electric vehicle (H/EV) applications. The dynamometer test system consists of a 42 kW AccuDyne™ AC motoring dynamometer and features SAKOR's industry-leading DynoLAB™ test automation controller. AccuDyne dynamometers offer full 4-quadrant operation with seamless transition between loading and motoring modes. The system communicates with the customer's ECU via CAN bus technology.

This particular testing system is capable of operating at speeds as high as 18,000 RPM and as low as 0 RPM, providing full torque in a stall condition. Furthermore, the dynamometer can run in motoring or loading modes at maximum rated torque/power in either direction at any time, and can switch between these modes instantaneously. As a result, the test system can expose starter/alternators to all possible conditions they may undergo in actual vehicle use.
This test system offers the ability to test the maximum power, speed, and generator capacity of starter/alternators. In addition, the system allows operators to run road load cycles to simulate real world conditions, including starting the engine, dynamic braking, power assist, and battery charging modes.
The system features two battery simulators that are also regenerative DC power supplies. One simulator can supply power at up to 120V and 400 amps; the other unit can supply up to 40V and 1200 amps. As a result, the system can test the full range of customer components, while keeping costs relatively low.
"This system is a uniquely configured solution to our customer's very specific needs," said Randal Beattie, President of SAKOR. "Whereas this OEM may have needed to purchase two to three different off-the-shelf machines to perform this testing, the SAKOR system is capable of meeting a broad range of test requirements in a single machine." The cost of operations of the test cell is also greatly reduced because the system is capable of power recapture and therefore uses much less electrical energy over the testing cycle."
About SAKOR Technologies Inc.
SAKOR Technologies Inc. is a recognized leader in the manufacture and development of reliable and cost-effective automated test instrumentation systems for a wide range of applications. For over 30 years, the company has been providing quality products and superior customer service to a variety of markets including automotive, hybrid and electric vehicle, military, aerospace, marine, heavy equipment, performance racing, electric motor, consumer appliance and more.

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