New Case Study: Only the best equipment can produce the world's finest cheeses
How the P53 Ultrasonic Sensor improves professional cheese making by providing hygienic measurement of curd levels
This new case study from Hoffmann + Krippner, Inc illustrates how the P53 Ultrasonic Sensor by PIL can improve hygienic conditions and equipment for safe and high-quality cheese making processes.
Any equipment used in food production must meet the highest standards of hygienic design; food safety and quality depend on it.
As shown in this case study, the hygienic ultrasonic sensor series P53 by PIL are used for level detection in a coagulator system designed by ALPMA (Alpenland Maschinenbau GmbH).
Fully encapsulated in edgeless a stainless-steel housing (rated up to IP68/IP69K) with a EHEDG-certified holder, the P53 ultrasonic sensor provides a highly accurate and reliable sensing solution that can withstand thorough cleaning with highly acidic and/or alkaline cleaners as well as high-pressure or jet-steam cleaners.
To learn how the P53 ultrasonic sensor is the perfect solution for safe and hygienic food production processes, please download the full case study here:
Learn more about the coagulator by ALPMA with the P53 ultrasonic sensor at
Learn more about the complete production line for soft cheese with WALDNER and ALPMA equipment at
For more information, please visit or call us at 770-487-1950.
The Hoffmann + Krippner Group, with sales offices around the globe, is your specialist for input and output systems as well as sensors. Headquartered in Germany, Hoffmann + Krippner manufactures German-engineered, high quality products for over 35 years.
As the North American member of the Group, Hoffmann + Krippner, Inc. delivers these engineering, design and manufacturing services to the US and Canadian market.
As of 2014, Hoffmann + Krippner, Inc. has partnered with Altmann GmbH (manufacturer of high-precision potentiometers), inelta GmbH (manufacturer of LVDT and load cells), and PiL Sensoren GmbH (manufacturer of ultrasonic sensors). Beyond manufacturing of standard products, we always welcome the challenge of providing high-quality, custom solutions to our clients.
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