S.S. White Technologies Highlights Custom Flexible Shafts for Aerospace
Flexible shaft manufacturer provides custom design expertise
St. Petersburg, FL - S.S. White Technologies, the worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of flexible shafts and related assemblies, highlights bespoke flexible shaft solutions for aerospace applications. Flexible shafts transmit rotary motion much like a solid shaft, but can be routed over, under and around obstacles where a solid shaft cannot be used. Flexible shafts are used in a variety of applications, including many capacities in aerospace, such as in thrust reverser actuation systems (TRAS), flap and slat systems, variable bleed valves, jet afterburner nozzle control systems, cargo door actuation systems, valve override and many more. S.S. White provides customers with custom flexible shaft solutions designed for specific applications, all backed by S.S. Whites wealth of experience and expertise.
In addition to the ability of flexible shafts to enable manual overrides of aircraft systems that are usually automated, they are also the preferred rotary motion technology in aerospace applications for a number of other reasons.
Flexible shafts:
• Eliminate alignment problems
• Dampen vibration
• Absorb shock
• Accommodate relative movements
• Possess a 3:1 weight advantage over other design solutions while transmitting greater power loads
• Lower overall cost due to fewer parts needed and faster installation time
• Provide greater design freedom than other shaft technologies
S.S. White Technologies produced its first flexible shaft in 1874 for a high-speed dental engine used for drilling teeth. Today, their flexible shafts for aerospace applications are used in thrust reverser, flap, slat actuation systems and manual overdrive systems of air and space craft, in the ammunition magazine drive of the AC-130, in many Airbus & Boeing thrust reverser systems, in the Hubble Space Telescope, on the international space station (ISS) and as part of the V-22 Ospreys rescue hoist system.
S.S. White provides flexible shaft assemblies as part of a custom solution. Every application in which a flexible shaft is used is different, and S.S. White not only manufactures the flexible shafts, but also provides the technical expertise to create solutions to engineering challenges.
For more information, visit www.sswhite.net/
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