Beyond 3D Printing—Velocity Group Expands Offering of Design, Rapid Prototyping, Product Development and Production Service Suite

You have printed a part, now what?

CINCINNATI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--3D printing enables easy transformation of digital designs into functional models. However, online rapid prototyping companies offer only limited design and engineering support, especially for complex products. Their narrow focus leaves many OEMs struggling to understand how to go from printed parts to a manufactured product. In response, Velocity Group launched its online 3D printing service to give OEMs easier access to full-service product development and production support.

"Velocity Group is focused on accelerating time from idea to profit," said Kent Savage, CEO. "We recognize that todays cocktail napkin has evolved into a 3D printed model. While the starting point has shifted, the journey of product development for disruptive, innovative products remains a challenging endeavor, one that requires a partner with the experience, expertise, and structure necessary to bring concepts to market. Fast."

Velocity Group offers single source accountability, 100% domestic operations, dedicated project management, and a broad portfolio of design and lean manufacturing services to compress the timeline associated with traditional product development programs.

"Just because you can print a part does not mean you can manufacture it reliably and at a reasonable cost," said Andy Stelmack, General Manager of Velocity Group. "We have decades of experience taking customers from concept to production, including helping them understand how to mature 3D printed concepts for traditional manufacturing."

Additionally, 3D printing is limited to mechanical parts and provides only a piece of the solution for embedded system development. Velocity Groups online 3D printing service makes it easier for customers with complex, connected designs to work with a trusted, full-service partner. Our breadth of capabilities extends beyond mechanical parts and includes electronic and software design that todays technology infused products require.

To experience the Velocity Groups online 3D printing platform, please visit


Velocity Group is a full-service product development and production partner. We have assembled a world-class portfolio of design and manufacturing organizations to provide rapid time-to-market services for a diverse customer set including entrepreneurs, middle market companies seeking expansion, and advanced R&D centers at leading OEMs. We seek out challenging opportunities and are working in innovative markets with leading edge technologies that are introducing new, disruptive solutions every day.

To learn more about Velocity Group and the services the company offers, please visit

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