How 3D Printing Can Dramatically Reduce Carbon Emissions in the Manufacturing Industry

The technology can cut carbon emissions in the four areas where traditional manufacturing cranks out carbon by the metric ton: materials, manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation.

Using Sustainable Product Configuration to Enable Customer Choice

Traditionally, when we think about the cost of a product, we're thinking mainly in financial terms. But this isn't the only form of cost. Increasingly, a new measure that's taking on more importance for buyers - and regulators - is the carbon footprint cost.

Carbon Offsetting for Manufacturing Facilities

Given the advanced state of anthropogenic climate change and widespread awareness of its human impact, it's time for manufacturing to adopt carbon offsetting practices.

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ELATEC RFID Systems – Ensure only those authorized have access

ELATEC RFID Systems - Ensure only those authorized have access

With a tap of the badge, RFID readers from ELATEC provide secure, reliable and easy-to-use user authentication, access control and usage tracking of hardware and software in industrial automation processes. Reader durability in harsh plant floor environments is another essential feature. Choose the right authentication and access control solution and extend RFID card-based capability for the access control of PLC, robot and HMI automation controller software and devices requiring special operator training.